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Showing History and Social Science
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Big Questions
What is justice? What is beauty? What is the right thing to do? What is real? How can I be sure of what I know? This philosophy class will cultivate and refine your critical thinking skills by asking ...

Ursinus College:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Grades 5-6

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Cognitive Psychology
While you read this sentence, your eyes alone are transmitting approximately 10 million pieces of data per second to your brain. Nevertheless, your attention remains focused on these words, you ...

Dickinson College:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Loyola Marymount University:

Jun 23-Jul 12

Skidmore College:

Jun 30-Jul 19
Jul 21-Aug 09

UC-Santa Cruz:

Jun 30-Jul 19
Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 7-11

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Exploring Ethics
We all face ethical choices. How do we know what is “good” or “bad,” or “right” or “wrong”? Are there standards of ethics by which we can judge people or their actions? In this course, you'll reflect ...

Dickinson College:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Grades 7-11

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Foundations of Psychology
Psychology, the science of behavior and mental processes, systematically explores phenomena as diverse as phantom limbs, sleep paralysis, false memories, and the bystander effect. This course explores ...

Roger Williams University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Ursinus College:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Loyola Marymount University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Skidmore College:

Jun 30-Jul 19
Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 7-11

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Great Cases: American Legal History
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes stated that the law is both a mirror and a motor for society. The most notorious trials frequently go well beyond a specific case to reflect deeper truths ...

Dickinson College:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

UC-Santa Cruz:

Jun 30-Jul 19
Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 7-11

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Human Nature and Technology
This philosophy course explores questions of human nature in light of recent technological breakthroughs in communication, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and modern warfare. You will consider ...

Johns Hopkins University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Grade 9+

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International Politics
Why do states fight, and what makes them cooperate? World affairs in the 21st century have raised new questions about international politics and revisited complicated old ones. Where the field once ...

Roger Williams University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Loyola Marymount University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Skidmore College:

Jun 30-Jul 19
Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 7-11

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Logic: Principles of Reasoning
Lawyers, doctors, and mathematicians use logic while building arguments, diagnosing diseases, and proving theorems. This course explores the techniques of logic while developing your analytical ...

Roger Williams University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Dickinson College:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Loyola Marymount University:

Jun 23-Jul 12

UC-Santa Cruz:

Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 7-11

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Model United Nations and Advanced Geography
Countries addressing a global challenge like climate change, weapons proliferation, or the coronavirus pandemic often present their concerns to the United Nations. The ways in which the U.N. tackles ...

Roger Williams University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

Loyola Marymount University:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02
Jun 23-Jul 12

Mirman School:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

The Speyer School:

Jun 30-Jul 19
Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 5-6

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Do we have free will, or do our brains automatically respond to stimuli? What, if anything, distinguishes right from wrong? Philosophers relentlessly pursue fundamental questions of life, and their ...

Dickinson College:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

UC-Santa Cruz:

Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 7-11

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The Ancient World
Between 2000 BCE and 300 CE, cultures with lasting impact flourished all around the world. In this course, you will learn about the daily life, social structures, governments, economies, and religions ...

The Gilman School:

Jun 23-Jul 12
Jul 14-Aug 02

The Speyer School:

Jun 30-Jul 19
Jul 21-Aug 09

Grades 3-4

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