Our On-Campus Summer Programs bring students in grades 2–12 together to take on challenging, advanced subjects in dynamic, hands-on classrooms.

In addition to coursework, you’ll participate in a variety of fun supervised activities and make lasting friendships with other academically talented students as you learn from each other—both in and out of the classroom.

CTY students come from many different backgrounds and have a wide variety of perspectives and beliefs. This diversity is part of the educational experience, and we encourage students to embrace the opportunity to learn from others who are different from them.

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Residential Sites

Students at our residential sites spend three weeks living, learning, and making friends as part of an active, diverse, and inclusive on-campus community. They eat, sleep, and attend classes in campus buildings and residence halls, and participate in a variety of fun, safe, and supervised afternoon and weekend activities. Lifelong friendships develop as students learn from each other both inside and outside the classroom. Courses are offered in three-week formats. The residential option is available at select sites for students in grades 5+, and at all sites for students in grades 7+. 


At CTY, you will discover an intellectually challenging curriculum and exciting recreational program. You are required to attend all classes and activity periods. While the daily schedule may differ slightly from site to site, a day at CTY is highly structured, and you’ll have plenty of fun both in and out of the classroom.

Day Sites

Students at our day sites spend three weeks challenging themselves academically, engaging in hands-on learning, and having fun while forming friendships with other kids who love to learn. Students arrive in the morning each weekday during their session to attend class, have lunch, and participate in activities, then go home every evening.


A typical weekday includes rigorous learning and recreational/ social activities.

Medical Information

Requesting Special Accommodations

If you need special accommodations for a physical, medical, mental health, or other disability, your parents/guardians need to contact CTY staff at 410-735-6215 or [email protected] by May 15. Forms to request accommodations or support are available on our Disability Services page.


Care and Supervision

Daily Supervision

While you are ultimately responsible for your own conduct, members of the administrative, instructional, and residential staff work together to provide clear guidelines and careful supervision. Outside class, staff provide supervision, support and encouragement; enforce rules; foster a safe and inclusive community, and are prepared to help you adjust to being away from home and the academic demands of CTY.

Students attending On-Campus programs are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct. If you have a special case you would like to discuss, contact our support team.