About the Site

Ursinus College

Collegeville, PA

  • Grades 5+
  • Residential

Ursinus College is a private liberal arts school founded in 1869. Its 170-acre campus, situated 25 miles northeast of Philadelphia, is an idyllic backdrop for intellectual inquiry, and includes a library, performing arts center, state-of-the-art science labs, an organic farm, sculpture garden, and the Philip and Muriel Berman Museum of Art. About 300 students and 60 staff are expected to attend each session.

Session One
June 23 – July 12, 2024

Session Two
July 14 – August 2, 2024

Transportation and Contact Information

A student shuttle service is available only from Philadelphia International Airport (PHL). You will receive maps, directions, and shuttle service details with your course notification.

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Ursinus College

Courses Offered