History and Social Science

Our online History and Social Science courses include the study of U.S. history and government, world history, and psychology. Reading and writing are at the heart of all our offerings. Courses for older students cover material typically found in introductory college-level classes, while younger scholars enjoy studying world history and geography. All courses are guided by expert instructors who connect with you through virtual class meetings and interactive review workshops. Whichever course you choose, you’ll gain important insights into the inner workings of government, world civilizations, global culture, and the human mind.

Explore our History and Social Science courses

Dig into World History and Geography

In courses, such as The Young Historians - Continents: Africa, Asia, and Oceania, students will explore fascinating historical concepts of the past through historical analysis, engaging discussions, and dynamic live sessions. Students meet with their instructor and peers each week to investigate transformative world events and discuss their thoughts with one another.

Meet our Instructors

CTY's Online instructors hail from cities and universities around the world, but they all have one thing in common: a dedication to helping our students engage and connect with advanced concepts.