Updated 04/22/2024

CTY will implement a COVID-19 safety plan in accordance with public health guidance at the time of the program and aligned with the policies of Johns Hopkins University and our host institutions. COVID-19 policies and procedures are subject to change at any time. We will notify families by email if there are significant changes to procedures or requirements during the program. As of March 28, 2024, JHU no longer has a COVID-19 vaccine requirement. Some of our hosts, however, do still have such requirement in place. When JHU and host institution policies differ, CTY will follow the stricter policy.

Current COVID vaccination requirements vary by site.

CTY will follow U.S. CDC guidelines for isolation of students who test positive for COVID. Per current guidelines, which were updated in March of 2024 to align COVID-19 guidance with that of other respiratory viruses, students who test positive for COVID (or who become infected with any other respiratory virus) will be required to isolate until their overall symptoms have improved and they have been without a fever (without use of fever-reducing medications) for 24 hours. They must continue to wear a well-fitting mask for 5 days, regardless of symptoms, once isolation ends.

Students who become ill after the program starts and for any reason are unable to participate in regular program activities will be asked to leave campus to recover in the care of their families. They may return to the program based on criteria set by CTY for the particular illness. Families are urged to identify, in advance, a responsible adult who would be able to pick up and care for the student in these circumstances (if a parent cannot). We will make reasonable accommodations for students traveling from great distances to the site.

Students who leave for medical reasons and do not return are withdrawn from the program and will receive a prorated refund of tuition under our refund policy.

This page will be updated with other specific COVID-19 safety information as guidance is updated and as available from local, state, and federal public health officials.