
New CTY Mini Course Focuses on Eyewitness Testimony

CTY is now enrolling students in grades 6-8 in a new expert-led online mini course that will provide an inside look at how eyewitness testimony is used in the legal system. The course is led by Dr. Amy Lynne Shelton, CTY’s executive director and an expert in psychological and brain sciences.

Celebrate Pi With CTY!

Many know Pi Day as an annual salute to the mathematical sign pi—the irrational, transcendental, infinite number whose first three digits are 3.14. Celebrated around the world every March 14, Pi Day has special significance here at CTY, as it represents the curiosity and love of learning that our staff, students, families, and alumni all share.

Once again this year, we’re celebrating Pi Day during the whole month of March, and you can participate by making a gift to CTY. 


Seeking Student Submissions for CTY’s Literary Journal

CTY is seeking student submissions for our student literary journal, Lexophilia. The 2024 journal theme is “Echoes.” The submission period runs until March 24, 2024, so start brainstorming and drafting! CTY students in grades 5-9 may submit their fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art for consideration.


New Project Explores Use of AI in the Gifted Classroom

Since ChatGPT was introduced in late 2022, it’s been embraced by college professors for its ability to tailor instruction, earned a passing score on sections of the bar exam, and even completed freshman year at Harvard University with a 3.34 GPA. While AI-powered large-language models are already transforming higher education, many K-12 educators are still grappling to understand the role this new technology might play in the classroom. Concerns that the technology will weaken students’ critical thinking skills and encourage them to cheat have led some K-12 school districts to restrict or ban the use of AI.


New is Good for Keeping Bright Learners Engaged

Recent CTY research has found that new academic content and novel learning approaches and delivery are essential to engaging and challenging bright students through out-of-school learning opportunities. 

This research was featured on the Hub, Johns Hopkins University's news website.