New CTY Mini Course Focuses on Eyewitness Testimony

Cartoon image of a person sitting at a witness stand with a cartoon brain and puzzle pieces above.

CTY is now enrolling students in grades 6-8 in a new expert-led online mini course that will provide an inside look at how eyewitness testimony is used in the legal system. The course, led by Dr. Amy Lynne Shelton, CTY’s executive director and an expert in psychological and brain sciences, will examine the cognitive psychology and neuroscience behind our affinity for the first-hand account; the impressive nature of human memory; and how and why memories can also be flawed. Students will engage in lively discussions and activities. This course will be offered in three, one-hour sessions over three weeks starting Oct. 28. Enroll before Aug. 31 to get $100 off tuition with code eyewitness24 at checkout. Learn more and enroll



Media Contacts:

Katy Bowman
Maria Blackburn
[email protected]

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