
Cognitive Skills: A Potential Key to Understanding Success in the Online Classroom

Online learning exploded in popularity as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to be a popular educational offering, but are online classrooms conducive to student learning? In this session, the CTY Research Team will present the results of a three-year study that explored whether cognitive skills could help predict course selection and successful learning in CTY online classrooms. They will discuss implications for the future of CTY’s virtual offerings and applications in advanced learning education.


CTY’s Vision for Educating Advanced Learners in the 21st Century

The educational landscape is continuously evolving as new technologies and teaching innovations are introduced to the K-12 space. CTY is a center for innovation committed to serving advanced learners around the world, and we’re looking forward to carrying out our strategic roadmap. In this session, staff will share details about CTY’s new strategic roadmap by highlighting the CTY experience and our vision for educating advanced learners in the 21st century.


CTY Alumni Reflections and Future Visions

CTY’s more than 160,000 alumni are an integral part of the organization and its future. This evening session is an opportunity to hear from CTY alumni reflect on their experiences at CTY and discuss how they envision its future. Join us for an enjoyable evening of stories, connections, and reflections with our CTY alumni. The panel will include CTY alumni from the earliest days of the program up to 2021.


The Evolution of Testing: Ensuring Validity and Equity when Identifying Advanced Learners

After taking a test, have you ever wondered whether your score is really an accurate representation of your knowledge and skills, or if your test scores are being used in the way they were intended? These are common questions that continue to arise in test development, especially in tests used to identify advanced learners. In this session, CTY executive director Amy Lynne Shelton, PhD, and CTY director of research Kathryn Thompson, PhD, will discuss the history of testing with a focus on advanced-learner identification methods.


CTY’s History in the Field of Advanced Learning

Founded by Johns Hopkins researcher and quantitative psychologist Julian Stanley in 1979, the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth has a rich history of identifying and educating advanced learners around the world. CTY is the leader in the field of gifted education. During this opening presentation, CTY executive director Amy Lynne Shelton, PhD, will describe CTY’s origins and history, the center’s work with advanced learners and evolution over 45 years, and CTY’s ongoing contributions to the field of gifted education.