CTY’s Student Support Unit offers a range of services for academically advanced students around the world and their families.

Mental Health and Wellness Support

We’re committed to creating learning environments that value, support, and foster students’ social and emotional wellbeing. Our growing collection of free resources includes:

  • Expert tips for kids and families. Read about topics like anxiety, talking about traumatic events, making friends, and promoting kids’ mental health over the summer.

Academic, College, and Career Advising

We offer a range of guidance to help students and families make informed decisions about the future. Resources include:

  • CTY College Admissions Series. Join a session or watch a recorded session to learn about course offerings, admissions requirements, and campus life at colleges like The Cooper Union, Sarah Lawrence College, and the Johns Hopkins University, as part of this free series.
  • University Admissions Seminars. Join us to explore topics like preparing for the SAT, writing the college application essay, making a college list, preparing for interviews, and more.
  • Group advising. We host small-group sessions on curriculum selection, extracurriculars, building your social network, finding internships and research opportunities, exploring careers, and more.

Accessibility and Disability Support

CTY supports students with disabilities and their families by helping them understand what accommodations are available at all stages of their academic life, from CTY programs to college and the workplace, and how to advocate for themselves and access tools to support their unique learning needs. Request accommodations for your current CTY testing or course.

The CTY Scholars Program

The CTY Scholars Program was developed as a way to close the excellence gap among our nation’s brightest students. This four-year scholarship and advising program has helped over 700 low-income and underrepresented high school students achieve at top levels, preparing them for success in college and in their careers.

Other resources: