Questions? Contact [email protected] or call 410-735-6166.

Course Completion and Retention of Student Content Policy

All online courses must be completed by the course end date; students will not be able to extend the end date or return to the course after it ends.

CTY will not retain student content beyond one year after the course end date. Students who wish to save copies of their work and of their instructor’s feedback should download and save the materials to their own computer during the course.

Requesting a Start Date Change for an Individually Paced Course

To request an enrollment start date change once you have received your course assignment email, follow these steps:

  1. Log into MyCTY as a Parent, and then choose CTY Online Programs on the left.
  2. In the Currently Enrolled Courses section, select the course you wish to start sooner and click the link to change this class's start date.
  3. From this screen you can submit a request for the enrollment start date change. You must select a new start date at least 3 days from the current date. Our staff will do our best to accommodate your request and we will send you an email confirmation once your start date has been changed.

We do not accept requests for an enrollment start date change via email or phone.

Requesting a Course Change

Individually Paced and Session-Based Courses

Contact [email protected] to discuss whether an enrollment change is appropriate for your child. Course changes must be approved by CTY and a course change fee may be applied. The fee will be waived if the course change request is received before the course begins. Please note that a course change may not be possible in all cases.

Students who have started a session-based course and would like to switch to a different course format or a later session of the same course must request the change within the first third of the course. After that point in time, course changes are not possible.

LIVE Courses

Course changes are generally not permitted after the application deadline because of the cohort-based nature and shortened duration of LIVE courses.

Course Audit Policy

Some Online Programs students enroll in courses simply to explore a new subject, expand their knowledge of a favorite subject, prepare for an AP® test, or otherwise supplement their school curriculum. In cases like these, CTY allows a student to Audit an online course.

A student can switch to Audit status at any time during their enrollment.  There is no change in tuition for a student on Audit status.

To audit an online course means:

  • The course is not taken for a grade.
  • A student on Audit status still has access to all course materials and their Online Programs Instructor, who will meet with the student as needed, monitor progress, email weekly as usual, and send grades or feedback as appropriate.
  • A student on Audit status taking any graded assessments must follow all exam, course and CTY policies (in particular, the honor code).
  • No Course Completion Documents (for individually paced courses) or Final Evaluations (for session based courses) will be sent once the enrollment ends.
  • An audited course will not appear on the student’s Official Academic Record.

To go on Audit, a parent/guardian must submit the CTY Audit Request Form. A student can go on audit at any time during their enrollment, but cannot re-take an audited class for a grade. Auditing a course does not satisfy any prerequisite conditions for future courses that require successful completion of the course taken for audit.

Refund Policies and Procedures

Refund Policies and Procedures for online courses with start dates through July 31, 2025 

Individually Paced and Session-Based Courses
Parents and/or guardians can receive an 80 percent tuition refund by submitting a written withdrawal request to CTY no later than two weeks after the course start date. Students who withdraw from a course prior to the start date will receive a full refund of tuition paid. Refunds may take up to five business days to process for electronic payment. Paper check refunds take two to four weeks to process from the time that withdrawal notification is received by the CTY Registrar. Application fees will not be refunded. Send withdrawal requests to [email protected].

Students who withdraw or fail to participate after the two-week withdrawal period are not eligible for refunds. Students who violate the Student Code of Conduct may be withdrawn from the program without refund.

Refund Policy for LIVE Courses
Families wishing to withdraw from a LIVE course must submit a written request to [email protected].

Families withdrawing from a LIVE course must submit their in-writing request two weeks before the first day of class to receive a 100% tuition-only refund. Application fees are non-refundable. LIVE courses depend on cohort-based classes, and they are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. For this reason, all amounts paid are non-refundable two weeks before the first day of class.

Refunds will be returned via the original form of payment. Families may expect to see their electronic refunds within 5 to 7 business days of the withdrawal request. Paper check refunds may take up to 2-3 weeks.

Refund Policies and Procedures for online courses with start dates after August 1, 2025 

Families who wish to withdraw their child from a CTY online course should email CTY Enrollment Services at [email protected]. Please refer to the chart below for details.

Date of Withdrawal Request


More than 90 days before the start of the course100% of course tuition
60-90 days before the start of the course75% of course tuition
30-59 days before the start of the course50% of course tuition
Fewer than 30 days before the start of the courseNo refund

In the event of a cancelled CTY course, 100% of tuition will be refunded. 

Refunds will be returned via the original form of payment. Families may expect to receive their electronic refunds within 5 to 7 business days of the withdrawal request. Paper check refunds may take up to 2-3 weeks.

Please note: Application fees are non-refundable under any circumstance.

Families with questions concerning the status of a refund request may email [email protected] or call 800-393-6095, option 1.

Additional Program Policies and Information