The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Explorers Research Network supports research on how children are able to think and reason about the world. Explorers Research Network students can participate in online games, experiments, and surveys designed to ask questions about what makes children successful at learning. CTY’s research is focused on investigating different cognitive abilities, then examining their relationship with the formal and informal experiences children have to help us understand best practices in education.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child’s data be public?
No. Your child will be assigned a number so that only the CTY Research team will be able to identify them as a part of this study. Any reported data will be completely de-identified and presented in a summarized report.

Does my student have to participate?
No. Participation in the ERN is completely voluntary and will not affect your child’s eligibility or participation in other CTY programs. Joining the network does not require you or your child to participate in any specific studies, and they are free to skip any items or tests.

What types of activities will my child participate in?
Online games and experiments focus on spatial reasoning skills, complex problem-solving ability, critical thinking, and other cognitive aptitude. For example, activities might ask students to:

  • Unscramble letters to create a word
  • Listen to a set of information and recall it
  • Solve brain teasers

Surveys may include questions about the activities students like to do, what games they like to play, and/or their school experiences.

How much does it cost?
It does not cost anything to participate in CTY’s Explorers Research Network.

How was my child chosen to participate?
All CTY Talent Search participants are invited to join the ERN regardless of whether they have tested for CTY eligibility.

Will I get to see my child’s results?
We do not share individual results with anyone, including families.

Need more info?

If you have questions about the Explorers Research Network, please contact [email protected].

If you have questions about CTY in general or about our programs and registration, please contact [email protected].