Join CTY Step 1: Parent Info 1 1. Parent Info 2 2. Student Info 3 3. Consent 4 4. Review 5 5. Cost Summary 6 6. Payment 1 of 6 *Indicates required field First Parent After you have joined, a MyCTY parent account will be created for each student. You will receive an email with instructions to login to MyCTY. If you have a MyCTY account, you're already registered! Login to MyCTY. Salutation - None -DRMISSMRMRSMS First Name Last Name (Surname) Preferred Email Preferred Phone Please follow this format: (201) 555-0123. Relationship to Student - Select -FatherGuardianMotherParent I am an alum of CTY What was your full name when you attended CTY? Household Income - Select -Below $30,000$30,000 - $45,000$45,001 - $60,000$60,001 - $75,000$75,001 - $90,000Above $90,000Do not knowDo not wish to disclose Second Parent Add Additional Parent Second Parent Wrapper The second parent will receive email communication from CTY but will not receive a separate MyCTY parent account. Salutation - None -DRMISSMRMRSMS First Name Last Name (Surname) Preferred Email Relationship to Student - Select -FatherGuardianMotherParent Next